# Robots.txt for crawler User-agent: * # Disallow Crawler Disallow: /User Disallow: /Dateien # Crawler often creates invalid script/webresource resource request Disallow: /ScriptResource Disallow: /WebResource # Legal notice: bbv-net.de expressly reserves the right to use its content for commercial text and data mining (§ 44b UrhG). # The use of robots or other automated means to access bbv-net.de or collect or minedata without the express permission of bbv-net.de is strictly prohibited. # If you would like to apply for permission to crawl bbv-net.de, collect or use data, please contact nutzungsrechte@bbv-net.de. User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / User-agent: CCBot Disallow: / User-agent: ChatGPT-User Disallow: / User-agent: Google-Extended Disallow: / # Max crawler Time per page in sec Crawl-Delay: 2 #Sitemap Sitemap: https://www.bbv-net.de/Sitemap/Sitemap_Index.xml.gz